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LE VIGNE Barolo 2016


Tasting notes

Barolo Le Vigne is always a wine of great structure, depth and longevity. 2016 brings this character even more to the fore. The 2016 Le Vigne is brooding, coiled and restrained, needing several years of patience to reach its peak.


The nose slowly reveals dark cherries, licorice, underbrush and distinct floral elements of violets and roses.


 On the palate, the tannins are dominant, sweet ad mouth-filling and severe, needing time to come into balance with the prodigious fruit and acidity that lurks beneath the imposing structure. The finish seems to go on forever. Give this one time.


Ratings for the vintage 2016
Falstaff 97 points
Gambero Rosso 2 bicchieri rossi 
Kerin O'Keefe 97 points
James Suckling 97 points
Vinous 98+ points 
VITAE 4 viti 
Wine Advocate 100 points 
Wine Enthusiast 98 points 
Wine Spectator 95 points 
Wine&Spirits 98 points 


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Evolution of the vintage 2016

In 2016, the winter was mild and not snowy. The first weeks of the year were very unusually dry. Precipitation, especially rainfall, came only in February. Spring was cool, especially April and May, with numerous rainshowers. May is oftentimes like an early summer here. In Langa they call it “the May furnace”, but in 2016 it didn’t fire up!

The summer was a season of back-and-forth. The first heat came at the end of June, and from then on, a constant back-and-forth between short periods of warmth (5 to 7 days) and sudden storms which brought cooler temperatures. At the end of August the rhythm changed. The last part of the month and all of September gave us beautiful days. At a certain point, the typical autumn weather began, characterized by warm days and cool nights, with daytime temperatures often reaching 30 degrees C.

In the vineyards of the Langhe and Roero, the weather of 2016 influenced the vegetative cycles of the vine. The lack of winter cold caused an early budding but after its early start, the vegetative cycle de-accelerated.  Flowering and fruit set took place slightly later than average, but occurred evenly, thus positively influencing the productivity of the vintage. The slowing of the vegetative cycle was consistent through the summer, and therefore the veraison began 13-15 days later as compared to 2015. This delay influenced the final phases of maturation and the picking times. Each parcel had to be monitored and harvested individually for maximum quality, contingent on its exposition and slope.


Harvest took place from October 2nd until 22nd.







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