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LE VIGNE Barolo 2012


Tasting notes

The expansive nose of red fruits, violets and pomegranate is followed by an expressive, delicate and balanced palate, with lovely ripe tannins and a surprisingly good freshness, given the heat of August 2012.


The Barolo Le Vigne 2012 shows grace, volume and lift, with the steely acidity an unexpected and welcome trait from such a warm finish to the growing season.


Drinking well now but will also continue to evolve positively in the bottle for another 3-5 years. Long, sweetly tannic finish with graphite, licorice and spice notes.



Ratings for the vintage 2012

Wine Advocate 93 points
James Suckling 95 points
Vinous 96 points
Wine Spectator 95 points
Wine Enthusiast 94 points
Falstaff 97 Punkte
Vini Buoni d`Italia 4 stelle
I Vini di Veronelli 3 stelle
Wine&Spirits 93 points
Weinwisser 18.5/20



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Evolution of the vintage 2012

The bud break was early, after a cold and snowy winter. The cool conditions continued thru the end of July, and August brought heat and dryness that pushed the ripeness and fruit character of the resulting wines.  

A cold winter with decent snow and precipitation replenished the groundwater reserves.The rain continued into May but the temperatures rose considerably, leading to rapid vegetative development, which corrected to some degree the uneven bud break.

Some rain in early June affected the flowering that began at the same time, but this had the effect of reducing the berry set, leading to looser clusters, which is a distinct advantage for preventing diseases.

From mid-June onwards, the temperatures were generally cool with clear skies, leading to a slow, even growth of the fruit. Until August, the vintage conditions would be considered “classic.” Temperatures began to rise and were highest in August, reaching 38°C under very dry conditions.

The combination of heat and groundwater reserves allowed the fruit to ripen fully and completely as the early autumn proceeded. Harvest was conducted under beautiful conditions of warm, clear days and cool nights into the middle of October.


Harvest took place from October 2nd until 13th.





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