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Dolcetto d’Alba 2023


Tasting notes

The Dolcetto 2023 is of a ruby reb colour with violet hues.

The nose offers a bright bouquet of plum, cherry and blackberry, completed by subtle spice notes in the finale.


This wine distinguishes itself through its elegance and refinement, with soft, rounded tannins that do not want to dominate.

In the mouth, it is sweet and enveloping, sustained by its remarkable volume. Its well-balanced acidity lends it an idea of freshness and its finish reveals delicate notes of almond.



Ratings for the vintage 2023
Jeb Dunnuck 90-92 points


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Evolution of the vintage 2023

 2023 was a cold and relatively dry year, defined by good weather overall. Relevant precipitation was scarce, and it only snowed twice. That is the picture of the winter of 2022/23, which was followed by a spring that seemed to be able to rebalance the season. 

The rains in the last weeks of May were calm, fine and homogeneous, so much so as to guarantee the grapevine a development close to that of more typical years.

The summer, from the beginning of June onwards, was characterized by two alternating phases: periods of great heat followed by cool spells and storms. A signature trait of the year were its high temperatures, which exceeded average values.

While July seemed to have brought back stable parameters, with August came further extremes and anomalies.


Our work in the year 2023 can be summarized in three words: experience, patience and continuity. Experience is what we gained from our long collaboration with Luciano; patience is an essential virtue for any good viticulturist, and continuity is what was given to us by all the people who have worked alongside our family for many years.


Harvest took place from September 12th until 21st.



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