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VITE TALIN Barolo 2017


Mother nature and the earth.
Five years have passed since we bottled the very first Vite Talin. What in past years had often been subject to study and analysis is now the distinctive characteristic of a truly unique plant: its grapes, quite pruinose and bright in colour, like its clusters, are smaller and more contained. Its leaves are visibly more indented, rough and thick. Overall, Vite Talin is a plant of reduced size and, by consequence, relatively lower yields.


The weather and the grapes.
2017 was characterized by two key elements: the heat and the drought. In the course of the year, the strong temperature swings between night and day turned out to be another important variable, alleviating the impact the intense heat could have on the plants. The winter was mild, and the budbreak accordingly early. In April, though, the cold returned, slowing down the vegetative growth and furthermore restricting the number of grapes, whereby the sparse cluster rule was confirmed for Vite Talin.

Ripening occurred earlier than usual thanks to the anticyclone which guaranteed stable weather. With the arrival of summer, hot and dry but with good temperature swings, the clusters began their ripening process, showing a quick and anticipated veraison. Autumn then brought a swift fall in temperatures, which heightened the temperature difference between night and day and benefitted the polyphenolic profile of Vite Talin.




Ratings for the vintage 2017
Jeb Dunnuck 98 points
Kerin O'Keefe 97 points
James Suckling 95 points
Vinous 100 points 


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The wine and its aromas.

The Barolo Talin 2017 shows both the power and character of this unique mutated Nebbiolo as well as the particular character of the 2017 vintage.


The nose explodes with floral aromas, iron filings and mineral notes, a bit closed on the fruit side but expansive and complex. In the vineyard, the role of the viticulturist, with his capacity to read the plants and imagine their future, has once more turned out to be crucial.


Careful vineyard and canopy management avoided damage to the delicate fruit: by the time we began the harvest, the latter was perfectly balanced.


On the palate, the wine shows the ripe, forward fruit and drinkability of this vintage, with herbal notes of mint and thyme giving shape and complexity to the mouthfeel.



Present and future. Today Vite Talin 2017 shows a surprising generosity: its structure, fruit elements and floral notes express themselves harmoniously, giving life to a wine which promises greatness, right from the start, and gives us much hope for its evolution. Its long and soft finish, with the typical notes of minerals and graphite, confirms the unique identity and style of Sandrone wines.



Harvest: September 28th

Vineyards in the commune of Barolo: Le Coste, Drucà and Rivassi

Alcohol content: 14,5%

Recommended drinking time: 2025 – 2050

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